
Are you stressed and feeling totally directionless? Do you find any trouble focusing on your tasks? Are there multiple bouts of depression in your lives? Well, worry no more. Coming to your rescue is LunaHead – a Mindfulness Meditation mobile application. 

“Luna” is Italian for the moon. Just like the moon, you would also be able to shine brightly in the dark nights. You too can forget all your worries and stay focused along the course of your goals. Moreover, you too can be beautiful like the moon. 

Presenting LunaHead – a Meditation app that will guide you on your path of self-discovery. LunaHead comprises more than 100 audios. These range from guided meditations, soundscapes, audio lectures, tonal music pieces, and a lot more. And, the aim of these audios is to make you relaxed and composed. 

All these sounds are of soothing nature, thereby producing a calming effect on your personas. So, killing all the suspense, now let me tell you about the various attractive musical components of LunaHead. 


  • Start with the Guided Meditations

If you are starting on your Mindfulness Meditation journey for the very first time, you may find trouble in sitting silently for meditation. To ease it out, you may take the help from the Guided Meditations. For fueling yourself with some positivity, check out Guided Meditation For Positivity. There is a step-by-step guide for you to practice meditation in the rightest way possible. 

Firstly, sit on the earth with your legs crossed, eyes closed, lower back straight, and immerse yourself into the sweet realm of meditation. As a result, all your mental and physical stress would be long gone after just a 5 minute of this session. Additionally, you may access “Guided Meditation for Mental Balance” to strike a balance between your work and personal life. 


  • Deep Sleep Sounds

Now, this is a common problem which most of us are facing. Our anxieties and insecurities won’t let us retire in a deep slumber. As a result, we don’t feel charged for the subsequent day. However, the Deep Sleep Section is the one that will produce some effective results. The duo of “Gentle Rain Sound for Deep Sleep” and “Ocean Wave Sound at Night” will lull you into deep sleep and you will sleep like a baby. 

Your sleep cycle will definitely be improved and you will be as right as rain. Say goodbye to any sort of Sleep Deprivation and rest peacefully. 


  • The Sounds of the Nature

Nature is the purest portal to inner peace. When you are in the lap of nature, you are in the here and now; free from the worries of the future and regrets of the past. However, living in a metropolitan area, you may find it difficult to seek refuge in nature. Why go anywhere outside when you have everything available right in your mobile phone?

That’s right! LunaHead has a wide library of Nature sounds that you can listen to and feel the calm within you. You may start with “Crickets and Nature sounds at Night”. Along with that, you may also listen to the “Sound of the River” to inculcate the free-flow disposition within you. Despite all the rocks and hurdles in your way, keep flowing like the river. Explore this section by yourself and you will feel amazing. 


  • The Self-Development Soundscapes

Self-Love should be on your priority list. If you love yourself, you will feel quite fulfilled. To aid you in these developmental stages, we have “Strengthening Inner Core”, “To the Horizon”, “Beat all the Odds”, “See You on the Summit”, etc. to make you even stronger. 

Just plug in your earphones and start listening to these audios. You may also use them while you are doing any kind of physical exercise. While listening to these audios, always focus on your third eye. Be in the present moment. Be with yourself all the time. 


  • The Tonal Musicalities

Why should we leave behind Beethoven, Mozart and Bach when we are talking about music? So, LunaHead also includes classical tonal music in its vast repertoire. Check out “Blissful Keys” for the best piano experience. 

You may also do your tasks or any sort of work while listening to Tonal Music. With the absence of external disturbances, your productivity will be off the charts. You will be able to produce much better results. Hence, this part also has its own charms. 


All in all, LunaHead makes you a much more focused individual. It fills you with all the positivity that you might be lacking. So, meditate with LunaHead and let it take care of all your miseries